Ecobunker Advanced
Second generation synthetic golf bunkers from the world’s first.
*This product is patent pending.
EcoBunker Advanced is the strongest and most efficient method of constructing stacked sod walls using synthetic grass tiles. The method was invented and developed exclusively by Richard Allen and is available only from EcoBunker Ltd and its Worldwide Partners.
Whilst the original was good, EcoBunker Advanced is better. Why?
EcoBunker Advanced is not a gravity structure. It performs as a cantilever wall, which is known to all civil engineers as a more efficient method of construction. The diagram below shows a typical cross section through the wall. The tiles come in two sizes, narrower fascia tiles, and wider anchor tiles. The anchor tiles provide a structural link between the fascia and the cement modified soil backfill behind. Unlike the original gravity wall option, structural stability is provided through a combination of the synthetic tiles and the cement modified soil behind.